woensdag 10 maart 2010

Our mood can influence our DNA ...

DNA was thought as an absolute code, determining our characters, always well regulated and impossible to deform, except by a few number of factor such as mutations.
However, an other factor able to influence our DNA was found ; the stress.
Our DNA is composed of genes, which can, depending of the need, be expressed or inhibited, if presenting a methyl group (CH4).
DNA expression is falsified due to the stress which inhibits the wrong gene by fixing methyl group.
The main part of the DNA which is touched is situated in the area of the brain dealing with emotions ; the hippocampus.
If the DNA of the hippocampus' cells is touched during the childhood, it can have dramatic consequences in the adult life, as difficulties to handle hard situations and stress.

By Pessarossi-Langlois Julien, based on Sciences & Vie n°1110, March 2010.

1 opmerking:

  1. clear single focus. Flow hampered by choice of words and article problems. Mind the difference between countable and uncountable words

    DNA was thought as an absolute code, determining our characters, always well regulated and impossible to deform, except by a few number of factors such as mutations.
    However, an other factor able to influence our DNA was found ; the [leave out 'the' here] stress.
    Our DNA is composed of genes, which can, depending of the need, be expressed or inhibited, if/when presenting a methyl group (CH4).
    DNA expression is falsified inhibited?, theories can be falsified due to the the [leave out 'the' here] stress which inhibits the wrong gene by the fixing methyl group.
    The main part of the DNA which is touched is situated in the area of the brain dealing with emotions ; the hippocampus.
    If the DNA of the hippocampus' cells is touched during the the [leave out 'the' here] childhood, it can have dramatic consequences in the the [leave out 'the' here] adult life, as difficulties to handle hard situations and stress.
